Monday, December 14, 2009

TRUE Essence of CHRISTMAS!!!

As years passes by, we the Filipino's are celebrating the true essence of Christmas. It is where we celebrate the birth of our savior Jesus Christ.

"Give Love on Christmas Day" Is it true? Can we do this simple thing? In our daily lives, were experiencing the true meaning of Christmas. I don't believe that Christmas is for giving gifts and exchanging cards only because some people cannot afford to buy gifts and cards for their love ones. Christmas is when we show our love to other people. It is where we are forgiving those people who commited sin/mistakes to us, somebody says that "to forgive is to forget". During Christmas, some people take this opportunity to show their love to their parents because some of them don't have the courage to say the simple words "THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU" to them. Christmas is loving. Christmas is giving. Even though were experiencing crisis today, simple gift is enough to show our love to somebody. It is not the amount but it's the love, Right?? Christmas is forgiving. Forgive someone's mistake/sin and accept his/her true personality. Judging is not a way to show our love to them. Love is the best gift we receive on Christmas Day.

LOVE, GIVE, FORGIVE, we must show it to other people so that our Christmas will be more merrier and so that we can feel the true essence of Christmas.(^_^)


Every second, every minute, there's alot of changes happened in our life. Lot of changes because every now and then were experiencing new things which help us in motivating ourselves.

Last November, there are lots of activities done in our school, like the 2009 Vigan City Meet held last November 26-28,2009. I'm not one of them, an athlete for short but they gave as the opportunity to be the nurses and doctors that day or should I say were only the Medics. In every games, there are medics assigned so that if ever there is an emergency or there is an accident happened in that game, there's no need to call a doctor or nurse. But not all games done in our school,there are those games done in different places like the Basketball done at Vigan Gym, Lawn Tennis at the Lawn Tennis Court at Casabaan Vigan City, Athletics at UNP field, and Badminton at Stadium.

It was an amazing experienced. I considered these experience is one factor in enhancing my knowledge about sports. (^_^)