Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Language, one of the most important weapon God gave us. Why??? It's because its the only weapon we have so that we can express our taughts or ideas with others and so that we can avoid misunderstanding with each other.
English known as the universal language. This language was so important to us because we can use it when we are applying for a job and we can use it when we go abroad. Language is an instrument of conversation between two people. It gives importance with the things surrounds us. It may give information or it may give wrong taughts or idea. People was given different kinds of knowledge and with the help of the highest level of education, we can easily spread and reach out to others. But we must not forget that language is dangerous if this will gives us false information. Language is like a wheel that will leads you too far but it needs a well verse and careful driving so that you will reach your destination safety. You can also make language as a way to a mans heart. Like for instance, a person longing for a cure to his illness can easily get help to others through the means of language. Because we the Pilipino have that character traits which is soft hearted. Thats why we can say that language is a medium of knowledge. One of the aim of language is to make people as one. Most of all, we must learn how to give importance with our own language and to love our own language because its the only way so that we can avoid misunderstanding and so that we can understand each other.
Men do not speak simply to relieve their feelings or to air their views but to awaken a response in their fellows and to influence their attitudes and acts. So, love our own language the way we love ourselves.

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